Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 1-Anatomy Refresher

 This is a 10 minute sketch of a contour drawing showing a silhouette of a skeleton. A good drawing should always have a good anatomical structure of the human body which and should display the correct and ideal proportions so it gives us that feel and depth of an actual anatomy of a human. Even though this is just a silhouette of the actual human skeleton it still shows some good form definition in the spine and demonstrates that nice curve that the human skeleton has. The Cranium doesn't accurately show the correct shape of the skeleton as it feels and looks incorrect. It can't be seen clearly, but the left arm looks slightly orphaned and disjointed from the skeleton. The hand in particular shows an accurate form of a skeleton except from the part of the thumb that probably can't be seen from that side.

In conclusion, this is a successful drawing which shows some form and some understanding of the human skeleton like the spine and the hand. For improvements, there could've been more observation on the Cranium, ribs and arms to show form, and proportion could have been better, and the silhouette could have been more darker.

This is a 20 minute drawing of the human skeleton. In context, human anatomy is the study of skeletal and muscular structure in the human body. It is fundamental in Animation because it is the study of humans. A great drawing should display ideal and correct proportions and should show form of the human skeleton and muscular structures in the human body. The perspective of this drawing is difficult to tell because it is either a side view or a 3/4 view. It demonstrates good planning and measuring, and shows that there is some correct proportion involved in this drawing. However, there is some difference in proportion of the arms which is that the left arm is thinner and longer than the right. The shape of the Cranium seems better in this drawing than the previous one above.

In conclusion, this is a successful drawing that shows some excellent form of the human skeleton and it is a lot accurate in proportion, and shows that it captures the anatomical structure of the human skeleton.

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