Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 4- Still Life and Drawing From Extreme Angles

This is a still life drawing set up by another group that demonstrates extreme angles of an object. Still life needs a good composition and a rule of thirds so that it can keep the composition of objects more visually interesting and create a key focal point to keep the viewer interested. It should display great form, color, shape and texture in a drawing, and demonstrate some extreme foreshortening of angles in a key composition so it can give you a 3D depth and feel. Furthermore, the use of lines and implied lines will a create a sense of direction of how the eyes follow the image. Adding a sense of balance and proportion is a key thing because it adds a stable arrangement of subjects within a composition and allocates the amount of space of components in a drawing. However, if proportion isn't correct within a drawing it will easily throw of the balance in a drawing.

The key focal point in this drawing is the center and by adding overlapping it shows the visual separation of the drawing by adding a foreground which is the glass bottle, the mid ground which is the pipe, and the background being the big metal sphere. It shows some very great implied line and makes the viewers eyes follow the big metal sphere, to the pipe and then the glass bottle. There is some form, shape, light and value involved in this drawing. The use of Value in the metal sphere to indicate the grey and dark tones, and light in the sphere and the use of form with light on the white sheet to indicate the 3D depth and feel of the image. The proportions of the key components in the image are accurate which create some good indication of balance, and by placing the glass bottle on the right and the pipe on the left, it evens out the balance of arrangements within the composition. In conclusion, this have been a very successful drawing based on its composition.

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