Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 5- Foreshortening

This is a cross over of still life and figure drawing : The Human Skeleton as it shows foreshortening and extreme perspectives. Anatomy is the study of the architecture of the human form. It is important to know how the muscle and bone structure of the body work. Angles and foreshortening are vital in a drawing which shows the main lines in the body and help to ensure an accurate drawing. Pose is a term which helps to define everything to do with the positioning of the body and limbs. It helps us build a character and tell a story and its a vital knowledge for animators. Proportion is the key of having anatomy and anatomy is the key of having proportion and without it wouldn't be anatomy and would just look unbalanced an inaccurate. 

This is drawing of a skeleton which displays strong foreshortening along with oblique angles such as the leg. The Leg was facing the artist and effected the artist's perspective and caused some distortion of the angle of the leg and was proven difficult to draw. The Leg should have been more higher and the angle should have been more acute. The good thing about this drawing is that it has some strong foreshortening and has some good angles of the skeleton such as the arm and leg. The image isn't that clear as the right arm seems to be missing, but it is still there and just sketched in lightly. The drawing seems to have two right arms, but the other one is wrong because it is at a different angle than it should have been.

In conclusion, this has been an unsuccessful drawing because there are a lot of mistakes and has incorrect proportions along being unfinished. Overall, it does display some strong angles and foreshortening.

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