Monday 22 April 2013

Week 7- Figure Drawing- Posture, Weight, Balance and Dynamism

 These are some quick sketches of a figure demonstrating balance, weight, pose, and dynamism. Drawing movement and action in drawing needs these key skills because it absolutely crucial for animators when they are animating. To draw movement you need to show and now what dynamism is. There are two types of dynamism, which is static and dynamic. Static poses are when a character is still and balanced while dynamic poses are when the character is moving and often show tension in the forms and axis. There are also forms where the figures have open and closed forms. Open forms consist of expansion such as spreading their limbs. Closed forms are where the figure is concentrating, shrinking and pulling inward. Here are some examples of quick sketches of the figure representing dynamism, poses and open and closed form that the figure is making.


This is a drawing of Steve in an Open form as he is moving with the sphere. There is a sense of the figure being unbalanced as his right leg of his muscles and skeleton is supporting the weight. The drawing has captured a great sense of dynamism. Overall, the drawing is almost equally in proportion and some good use of muscle definition present in the figure and shows good anatomy.


 This is a dynamic pose of Steve as he is moving. The drawing captures the dynamism well as his hips, arms and head move while the feet almost stay the same. These are all open forms and have good indication of gesture in all of them and you can follow what the figure is doing like in a frame by frame sequence of an Animation. The size, volume and proportion of figure changes throughout the key poses. In conclusion, the drawings it self are successful as they capture the essence of dynamism.

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