Monday 22 April 2013

Week 11- Landscape Drawing- Centenary Square

 This is a thumbnail drawing of the Centenary Square in Bradford. The theory of Landscape drawing is that you need to find a good perspective and an interesting focal point to keep the viewer interested. This is the thumbnail of the Centenary Square and the artist chose this because it has good composition and has an implied line that follows those three tower spikes. It does align with the rule of thirds as you have the top right of the drawing which is in the rule of thirds. The focal point is the fountain and the building behind.


These are the two thumbnails for the courthouse and the Town hall. The first one of the Town has some good composition and is within the rule of thirds. The Tower reaches the rule of thirds which is the main focal point and then goes in to an implied line from the Tower to the other buildings. If you look closely, you can see a strong curved arc of the implied line where the eye hits the tower and then follows down to the buildings beneath it. The second thumbnail doesn't clearly describe anything because it is unfinished. Landscape drawing is probably my weakest area in drawing and the artist needs to improve on this to increase the quality of his drawings, and will work harder to improve. In conclusion, these drawings are weak and unsuccessful, and unfinished because it is my weakest area. Overall, most of them demonstrate good composition and show good perspective along with some interesting focal points.

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