Monday 22 April 2013

Week 10- Classical Interior Architecture

This is a 45 minute drawing of the Architecture opposite of the first floor stairs in the Leeds City Library. Classical Interior Architectures are the designs in places such as Libraries, Worship, Museums or Government Offices are associated designs to do with wealth, majesty, power, history, craftsmanship or Beauty. Classical Interiors occur in all forms in media and are recreated in designs of real places or influenced in design in games and animation. The artist chose this particular piece of architecture because there is a sense of balance and symmetry architecture of the pattern on the stairs on the left and the stairs on the right. It is balanced on either side of the drawing. What is inspiring about this piece of architecture is the way that these arcs are curved and formed, and gives the sense of geometry because its architecture. There is some shading involved which gives the feel of 3D through the use of light and shadow. This is a successful drawing and could use some extra detail to show the textures and surfaces of the drawing.

This is the second drawing which took 50 minutes. It demonstrates excellent composition and fits in to the rule of thirds. It is quite an inspiring piece of architecture. There is line present in this drawing from the direction of the dog to the pillar and then to the lion. It would have been nice to see some light and shadow to make the drawing feel 3D. Overall, the drawing has some very strong composition along with a good perspective which creates interest to the viewer.

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