Sunday 7 April 2013

Week 2- Still Life- Shape and Form

 Still life is the arrangement of objects in a drawing that shows the viewers of how inanimate objects are arranged in a drawing and show good composition. A successful drawing depends on whether it has good shape and form. For example, a material that has a reflective surface would have to show how the eye sees form as well as color, surface textures and light. It is basically how and what the eyes see color, texture, light and shape and then transferring the 3D information on to a 2D canvas.

This a still life drawing showing good composition and shape. It shows the external outline of the 2D objects, but doesn't have any form, color, texture or light to show the 3D topology on the 2D plane. However, it does have some good composition and has an implied line going from the big jug to the flowers and then the small jug, and then follows on to the other objects to the right. It fits into the rule of thirds such as the big jug on the top and the smaller one at the bottom, and then there is the small thin bottle on the far right. 

In conclusion, this is a drawing only successful in composition and lacks in form, color, light and textures which makes the drawing seem flat and doesn't have the internal 3D dimensions that makes it look 3D on a 2D canvas.

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